Meeting Arrangement Demo Question.pbix


A Direct Query PBI report with three slicers - Customer, Executive, MeetingDate, and many visuals in one page.

User should be able to start with Customer or Executive slicer to choose related MeetingDate


  1. Direct Query Mode - no power query and pls don't use measure table as solution since it limits the refresh times
  2. The default state for those slicers should be BLANK with all possible solutions - or select all in multiselect settings
  3. The slicer should be single select - or shows nothing in the visuals when multiselect Users shouldn't see more than 1 rows in any situation.
  4. These 3 slicers should have interaction.  Ex1. after I select Customer, the another slicer should only show related Executive Ex2. At the default state, all blank in every slicer but still with possible solutions


| Insert the blank in the slicer with all possible options

  1. Create slicer table to have blank options
  2. Modify the relationship

| Enable the Interaction between Customer and Manager Slicer

  1. Disable the interaction from “MeetingDate” slicer to “Customer” and “Manager” slicer
  2. Create measure on the “Customer” and “Manager” slicer, below shows the “Filtered Customer” one
  3. Put above measure on the visual filter of “Customer” and “Manager”

| Create XOR Filter Measure for MeetingDate and Result